General English Questions and Answers Quiz

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General English Questions and Answers Quiz include with English Opposite Word, Spelt Word, One Word Substitution, Correct Word Meaning and Passive and Active Voice Questions Quiz etc. 

English Grammar Question, English Grammar Quiz
General English Questions and Answers Quiz

Q.1. Choose the Opposite Word in the meaning to the given Bold word –


[A] Misery
[B] Stagnation
[C] Neglect
[D] Poverty

[D] Poverty

Q.2. Find the correctly spelt word
[A] Magneficent
[B] Magnificent
[C] Magnigicient
[D] Magnificente

[B] Magnificent

Q.3. Butter and Bread _____ wholesome food –
[A] Is
[B] Have
[C] Are
[D] Were

[A] Is

Q.4. Choose correct One Word Substitution –

       “The College or School in which one has been educated”

[A] Alma mater
[B] Alumini
[C] Cloister
[D] Caivin

[A] Alma mater

Q.5. This is ____ Cat I like .
[A] A
[B] An
[C] The
[D] None of these

[C] The

Q.6. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given below word –


[A] Poisonous
[B] Friendly
[C] Satisfying
[D] Heartening

[B] Friendly

Q.7. Our train will pass _____ Station during late Hours of nights. –
[A] By
[B] Through
[C] With
[D] From

[B] Through

Q.8. Change the Voice –

   “I was him leaving the house”.

[A] He was seen leaving the house by me
[B] Leaving the house he was seen by me
[C] He was seen to be leaving the house
[D] He had been seen leaving the house

[A] He was seen leaving the house by me.

Q.9. Kolkata is situated ____ the banks of river Hoogly. –
[A] By
[B] At
[C] In
[D] On

[D] On

Q.10. Each of my ____ is hard working.
[A] Student
[B] Students
[C] All student
[D] Every

[B] Students

Q.11. Everyone of the men present here has given a day’s pay as _____ contribution to the fund. (Fill in the blank with suitable preposition)
[A] Their
[B] His
[C] Her
[D] Ones

[B] His

Q.12. “Who is creating this mess?” (If the voice is changed the sentence will be:)
[A] By whom has this mess been created?
[B] By whom this mess is being created?
[C] Who has created this mess ?
[D] By whom is this mess being created ?

[B] By whom this mess is being created?

Q.13.  ____ rich should be merciful.(Fill in the blanks with Suitable Article)
[A] A
[B] The
[C] An
[D] None

[B] The

Q.14. Open the door. (Changing the Voice the following would be obtained)
[A] The door is to be opened by you
[B] Let the door be opened
[C] Please the door be opened
[D] None of above

[B] Let the door be opened

Q.15. A decision on which one cannot go back is _____ (Tick the Correct One Word Substitute)
[A] Invulnerable
[B] Incorrigible
[C] Irrevocable
[D] In frangible

[C] Irrevocable

Q.16. I ______ waiting for him for a long time. (Tick the correct form of word)
[A] Am
[B] Was
[C] Have been
[D] None

[C] Have been

Q.17. Tick the word that is most nearly the opposite in meaning as the word in capital.
[A] Praise
[B] Rectangle
[C] Circle
[D] Dialogue

[A] Praise

Q.18. What is the time ____ your watch. (Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition)
[A] By
[B] In
[C] At
[D] None

[D] Non

Q.19. If the speech is change the sentence will be:

“I don’t know the way, you do?” he said

[A] He told that he was not knowing the way, but wondered if I knew
[B] He said that he didn’t know the way and did I know it
[C] He said that he didn’t know the way I did
[D] He asked me if I knew the way which I didn’t

[C] He said that he didn’t know the way I did

Q.20. Tick the word that is most nearly the same in meaning as the word in capital.
[A] Honesty
[B] Soldier
[C] Tavern
[D] Coward

[D] Coward

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Antonyms Word (अंग्रेजी विलोम शब्द)

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